Monday, November 30, 2015

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving 1997, as usual the Stevinson family was preparing dinner for later that night. Although it was not much, Mr. Stevinson had lost his job and his oldest child was still only 7 years old. Their mother had just gotten out of rehabilitation, she was an addict but she had recovered at the center for a few months before coming home to be a mother again. She hadn’t thought it would be so hard to be a housewife after all she had been though, it was so mundane compared to her old life.

The Stevinsons had decided that the children were in the way, this meal was made very special. It was just for the children, the turkey had shards of glass. The mashed potatoes were laced with ricin, a very fatal amount as well. They sat around the dining room table and called the kids downstairs, Mrs. Stevinson had been cooking for hours and Mr. Stevinson had prepared the shed for the aftermath. The children rustled and ran down the stairs with excitement, little did they know their demise would meet them very soon.

The children ran downstairs with excitement, turned to the kitchen, and sat in their places at the table for what would be their last time. Their parents smiled, Mr. Stevinson said prayer and wished them all a good meal and a safe trip. The children didn’t know what he was talking about but they assumed it was for their vacation in a few weeks, though what he really meant was a safe trip to heaven. He said dig in and they did, their parents smiled as they started to eat their last meal. The oldest was choking on the turkey with the shards of glass slicing his throat. The youngest was turning blue and going into convulsions on the floor. Their parents smiled at each other and said their goodbyes to the kids, and then they were gone.

Nobody really knows what happened to the Stevinson children, some say their parents cooked and ate them before fleeing the state and starting a new life, others say their father chopped them up and threw the chunks in the river. The bodies were never found, but their vengeful spirits walk the globe in search of revenge. No matter how far they run, they will be found and killed by the children they murdered. Maybe they already were. And after they get revenge, who knows who will be next.
Original work by P.H.